Kweku sought out MND in August 2012 looking for structure and a game plan for how to enter his field in journalism and marketing. A self-described introvert just entering the professional world, he also wanted to work on his interviewing skills. Kweku worked with MND staff on his interviewing skills and found that the video interviews very beneficial. “I saw how nervous I was in the beginning and I learned to be more comfortable.” Kweku gained confidence in answering questions and felt ready to show what he had learned with potential employers.
Kweku was interested in working for a non-profit and came across an online listing for an internship with Young Audiences of Maryland. “I thought it was a great mission so I wanted to help.” The program works on exposing young kids to art and music. Kweku applied and was given an
interview. Thanks to his work with MND, Kweku felt prepared. “I don’t think I would have gotten the internship without going through the interview process at MND,” he says.
Kweku’s internship began in September. Kweku is especially excited because he will get to meet other artists and poets and gather inspiration for his own future writing.