Before coming to Maryland New Directions, Sean was experiencing a lot of frustration in his job search efforts. He was working for a vehicle processing center, but work was slow and he was having trouble finding a good paying job. Sean’s coworker mentioned Maryland New Directions’ MTDL training program, and this piqued Sean’s interest. His coworker didn’t end up attending the orientation, but Sean did, and he was accepted into the three week program.
At MND, Sean improved his job search skills and became more comfortable with selling himself and his skills to employers in the interview. MND helped Sean secure his TWIC card, which made a huge difference in helping him gain employment in the industry. “After the program,” Sean says, “I felt rejuvenated. I had a better outlook on life.”
Sean’s first two jobs after the program were temporary, but they gave him access to other employers at the Port, and he put his newly acquired networking skills to use. He sent cover letters and resumes to employers he spoke with and was diligent about following up. In May, he applied for a job with Maryland Port Contractors, and continued to follow-up with them to express his interest. Finally, after a month of follow-up calls and emails, the company offered him a full-time job loading and unloading cars on trains. In addition, on his days off, Sean has been able to work alongside the Longshoremen on the pier. “I am very appreciative of everything Maryland New Directions has done for me,” Sean says, and he continues to tell others about the program.